Why Should You Donate Your Eggs With Fairfax EggBank vs Another Company?

January 30, 2017
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Should You Donate Your Eggs? And What Path Should You Choose?

If you are thinking about donating your eggs, you may be wondering about the difference between an agency and an egg bank. You may also wonder if there are really any differences between all the egg banks out there looking for donors. Here’s what sets Fairfax EggBank apart, and why donating to our frozen egg bank offers our donors convenience, fair reimbursement, and a lot of experience.

Meet Fairfax EggBank

Fairfax EggBank is one the most highly regarded egg banks in the country. Open since 2006, we’ve pioneered the use of frozen donor eggs, and we’ve been working with egg donors since the 1980s. Plus, we were founded alongside our sibling company Fairfax Cryobank, a leading sperm bank. In short, we’ve been helping infertile couples and working with donors for a long time—and experience matters.

No Matching Game

Since Fairfax EggBank is a frozen egg bank, you don’t have to wait to be matched—you can donate your eggs as soon as you pass our screening and are accepted into the donor program. If you donate your eggs through a traditional egg donor agency, you could wait for months or even years to be matched with a couple—and that doesn’t even include the screening process, a critical part of egg donation. You might not even be matched at all.

No Waiting Game

If you choose to be a “live” or “fresh” donor, the waiting continues even after you’ve been matched. You’ll need to have your menstrual cycle synced with that of the recipient of your egg, and that could take months. Not so with Fairfax EggBank.  Since we’re a frozen egg bank, you can donate immediately based on your schedule. Your donated eggs will be shipped to families in need, thawed, and used in IVF on their schedule. There’s no waiting for either donor or recipient, and that’s a benefit for you both.

Trusted by Clinics around the World

We work with many partner clinics helping couples struggling with infertility—more than 300 IVF clinics worldwide. That means we’re a trusted resource, and couples the world over are looking for a donor like you.

Reimbursement for Your Time—At Every Stage

Our donors give our recipients something priceless: hope. It’s only fair that we reimburse our egg donors fairly. What’s more, you can earn monetary reimbursements throughout the egg donation process for your timely response and effort. Once you go through the process of donating your eggs, you’ll receive a set amount per donation cycle. We encourage our egg donors to donate again if they so choose. If eligible, you can complete six cycles and be reimbursed each time.

Should you donate your eggs? If you are comfortable with the concept of being an egg donor, fill out the application today or contact our donor coordinators if you have any questions.

Thanks to our experience and our technology, Fairfax EggBank makes IVF with donor eggs easier and more affordable for our couples. But that’s not all. We make the egg donation experience easier and more convenient for our donors, and we pay you at every step of the way for your valuable time. After all, without our special donors, Fairfax EggBank couldn’t be there for couples longing to build their own families.

Posted in: Egg Donors
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