Fairfax EggBank Blog

Straight Talk for Donors: Is Egg Donation Painful?

Straight Talk for Donors: Is Egg Donation Painful?

Aspiring egg donors ask us many questions about the reimbursement, time commitment, and process of donating eggs. The question we hear most often is: is the egg donation process painful? The honest answer is that it depends. There’s no short, yes or no answer because every woman is different and there are multiple steps in…

4 Reasons Why Customer Service Matters in the Donor Egg IVF Process

4 Reasons Why Customer Service Matters in the Donor Egg IVF Process

If you could go back in time, would you have considered doing a donor egg IVF cycle earlier in your treatment process? This was one of the questions we asked in a research survey a couple of months back. The respondents – donor egg recipients – all responded with a pensive, but emphatic, no. “I’ve been…

Fresh or Frozen Egg Donation? What Does it Mean for You, the Egg Donor

Fresh or Frozen Egg Donation? What Does it Mean for You, the Egg Donor

Are you researching to decide whether you want to become an egg donor? Then you’ll know that most likely, you have a variety of egg donor companies around you to consider, and each one is a little bit different. Some tout higher reimbursement. Others require that the donor be an open-identity donor. But did you…

Why Do Women Donate Eggs? A Donor Egg Coordinator Shares Her Story

Why Do Women Donate Eggs? A Donor Egg Coordinator Shares Her Story

Why do women donate eggs? As a donor egg coordinator for the past 15 years, I have been blessed to work with hundreds of donors and recipients. And I hear this question a lot. They decide to donate because they care; because they have friends who have struggled to conceive; because they want to do…

Give the Gift of Hope to Families – Consider Egg Donation

Give the Gift of Hope to Families – Consider Egg Donation

At Fairfax EggBank, we speak with a wide range of hopeful parents and hear their stories. We all love the excited, grateful phone calls and emails from recipients who have become pregnant with our frozen donor eggs. Those happy stories make our jobs worthwhile on a personal level. Sadly, we also share in stories of…

Have Questions About
Frozen Donor Eggs?


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