Fairfax EggBank Blog

How Long Does it Take to Donate Eggs?

How Long Does it Take to Donate Eggs?

Your time has value. That’s why we generously reimburse our egg donors: the egg donation process takes time. Our egg donors juggle multiple priorities, including jobs, families, and school. You may wonder how much time you’ll have to commit to the egg donor process. We’ll break it down for you, step by step. Egg Donor…

Your Choices as an Egg Donor: Non-ID or ID Option?

Your Choices as an Egg Donor: Non-ID or ID Option?

At Fairfax EggBank, our ID Option Donor Program allows donors to choose if they want to be an ID Option or Non-ID Option choice for intended parents. Here’s a quick rundown about how it works: An egg donor may choose to be a Non-ID Option or ID Option. If an egg donor chooses the ID…

The Pros and Cons of Being an Egg Donor

The Pros and Cons of Being an Egg Donor

So you’re thinking about becoming an egg donor. It’s not a decision to make lightly, so you want to do plenty of research on it first. But as you explore what egg donation is all about, you may experience information overload. So many people have things to say online, and you’re not sure what’s factual…

Donor Egg Banks vs. Egg Donation Agencies

Donor Egg Banks vs. Egg Donation Agencies

There are tons of egg donation programs out there, and many sound the same. The advertisements scream “Make Money by Becoming an Egg Donor!” and “Compassionate Egg Donors Needed. Earn thousands of dollars!” The choice is simple in your head. Obviously, the best egg donation company out there is the one that’ll pay you the…

Mia & Hannah – The Fairfax EggBank Egg Donor Process

Mia & Hannah – The Fairfax EggBank Egg Donor Process

COVID-19 We are accepting applications for our donor egg program through the varied stay-at-home requirements across the United States. Our team of dedicated coordinators is here to answer all of your questions and guide you through the Fairfax EggBank egg donor process. We are providing support to all of our locations to ensure the health…

Can I Donate Eggs if My Tubes are Tied?

Can I Donate Eggs if My Tubes are Tied?

So, you decided you definitely don’t want to have babies in the future, and opted for permanent birth control. You went ahead and got a tubal ligation. Fast forward to today and now you’re considering the benefits of becoming an egg donor. But you ask yourself “can I donate eggs with my tubes tied?” Short…

Have Questions About
Frozen Donor Eggs?


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