A New Outlook on Egg Donation

July 26, 2017
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Infertility can happen to anyone, and it is more common than you think. According to Women’s Health, about 10% of women in the United States struggle with getting pregnant or staying pregnant. A lot of  emotional stress can come out of being infertile. The good news is there are more options available today with greatly improved success rates. Options like IVF or using donor eggs are becoming more mainstream and accepted. When it comes to using donor eggs, it has become easier than ever before to get the information, resources and support you need.

Aggressively Seek Information when Considering Egg Donation

Google is a powerful tool. Today, there is more information available on the use of donor eggs than ever before. Answers to any question you may have can be found through a simple search or live chat with a donor bank.

Resources such as:

can answer a multitude of questions concerning all your egg donation needs and information behind infertility. These fertility resources can provide support and connect you with groups of other women who are going through the process or have experienced IVF firsthand. Additionally, bookmark Fairfax EggBank’s FAQ page as a resource to see commonly asked questions, with expert responses.

A couple of our Fairfax EggBank recipients have posted a blog series about their journey. Check out Trisha’s journey and Heather’s series of blogs, where they talk about their egg donation story for a more personalized experience.

Advancements in Donor Egg Freezing Increase Convenience and Affordability

The first child born through egg donation was in 1984. Since then, over 47,000 babies have been and continue to be born through egg donation according to John E Buster, MD. Advancements in egg retrieval such as advanced egg freezing processes have made the entire egg donation process quicker, more convenient, and affordable.

Now that eggs can be safely preserved, any woman can donate her eggs at any time, making it a faster process and providing convenience for the donor and recipient. Normally, with fresh donor eggs, the donor and recipient need to be individually synchronized, taking about 6 months. Today, the whole process can be cut down into a one month period.

With less time and energy, the recipient also saves money. The cost of individual synchronization using fresh donor eggs is high. So high that the option of using frozen donor eggs versus fresh eggs can cut costs almost in half, making it possible for more women who struggle with infertility to have a baby. For more information on tips or financing available for this option, check out our Fairfax EggBank Blog post, Tips and Resources For Financing Donor Egg Treatment.

Egg Donation is the New Norm

In the past, egg donation was considered somewhat taboo and not a topic openly talked about. However, with more people discussing their experiences with egg donation it has allowed the process to become a more accepted and common option when struggling to have a baby.

Many celebrities are opening up about their experiences with IVF and how it is nothing to be ashamed of but embraced. Some described their experiences as the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Stars like Mariah Carey, Chrissy Teigen, Elizabeth Banks, Courtney Cox, and Nicole Kidman all struggled with conception. All of them used a form of egg donation, IVF, or surrogacy to have their babies. You are not alone, infertility is something ALL women struggle with, even the rich and famous.

Infertility is so much more common than you think. IVF and egg donation are now becoming another common option you can take when deciding to bring a little bundle of joy into the world.

Posted in: Intended Parents
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