Eligibility and Requirements for Being an Egg Donor

Our donors are very special women who want to help others who are struggling with infertility. They also dedicate themselves to the process for several months and make the effort to complete many medical requirements. That’s why we offer a generous reimbursement to our donors at various points in the egg donor screening process. Read on to learn about our egg donor eligibility requirements. 

Are You Eligible To Become An Egg Donor?

If you can answer yes to the following questions then read our readiness assessment and submit an application online to become a donor!

  • Are you between the ages of 19 and 30? or 21-30 if you are located in CO?
  • Do you have regular periods, both ovaries, and normal reproductive function?
  • Are you a healthy, non-smoking individual?
  • Is your BMI in the range of 18-29? (Calculate your BMI here)
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding?
  • Do you have a minimum of a high school diploma or GED equivalent?
  • Are you a U.S. citizen? If not, do you have a valid work Visa or Green Card?
  • Can you provide detailed medical history for three generations of your family?
  • Do you live within 2 hours of one our partnering satellite clinics? If not, would you be interested in our travel donor program?
  • Are you willing to self-administer injectable medications and undergo an outpatient procedure?
  • Can you commit to the process for a minimum of 5 months?

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Create An Account

Register to gain full access into our comprehensive donor profiles, including adulthood photos (upon submitting a photo consent form), family medical history, and personal essays. You‘ll also be able to “favorite” donors you like, print donor profiles, and more!

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Password requirements:
  • A least 8 characters long
  • 1 uppercase letter
  • 1 lowercase letter
  • 1 number

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