Fairfax EggBank Blog

infant drinks from milk bottle

Fairfax EggBank Reviews by Egg Donor Recipients

You may have already viewed success stories written by egg donor recipients here. Below is a collection of other Fairfax EggBank reviews recipients have shared for others to read. Janet I didn’t want to use an egg donor. But I did want a baby and that changed everything.   For my husband and I, we…

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Interview with Fairfax EggBank’s Medical Director

We sat down with Dr. Laurence Udoff, Fairfax EggBank’s Medical Director, to provide his insights on egg donation and to explain what the donor egg process looks like for donors at Fairfax EggBank. What would you say to someone considering becoming an egg donor? Donor egg IVF is a modern miracle of science.  Patients who…

lori and greg

Egg Donor Recipients Say Thanks to Their Donor

Video testimonial of a recent Fairfax EggBank couple As an egg donor, you want to know that all the time and effort you are putting into the donor egg process is worth it. You also want to know that your donor eggs are going to thankful egg donor recipients who appreciate the gift you’ve given them,…

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Encouragement from an Egg Donor to Recipients

We know the donor egg journey isn’t an easy one. Many have traveled a long and bumpy road, mired in time-consuming setbacks and heartache before reaching the decision to use an egg donor to conceive. As you pursue the donor egg process, we thought you could use some words of encouragement from an egg donor…

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An Egg Donor’s Perspective on Working with Fairfax EggBank

We recently interviewed one or our donors so she can share her experience as an egg donor. Though you can watch her video, below is a transcript of her interview. What motivated you to become an egg donor? I was motivated to become an egg donor because of a couple at my church. They were…

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My Experience Donating Eggs – a Video Testimonial

Interested in becoming an egg donor? Hear one of our donors talk about her experience as she explains: What motivated her to become an egg donor Whether or not she felt any pain or side effects during the process Why she doesn’t have any regrets about becoming an egg donor If you’d like to learn…

Have Questions About
Frozen Donor Eggs?


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