Fairfax EggBank Blog

Egg Donation BMI Requirements: Why Does BMI Matter?
Jun 9, 2023 · Egg Donors

Egg Donation BMI Requirements: Why Does BMI Matter?

To become an egg donor with Fairfax EggBank all applicants must meet our requirements to be accepted into the program. Most of these requirements are expected and familiar: age between 19 and 30, good physical and mental health. But there’s one requirement that causes a lot of confusion amongst potential egg donors: the BMI requirements….

Egg Donation FAQs for Intended Parents

Egg Donation FAQs for Intended Parents

Individuals and couples who struggle with infertility have more options than ever before. Egg donation, and the use of frozen eggs has opened up options for finding a donor that works well with your family and background. We understand that when considering using donor eggs, you will have many questions about the donor, process, costs…

Egg Donation Disqualifications, Explained

Egg Donation Disqualifications, Explained

Donating eggs comes with a number of requirements to ensure healthy, high-quality eggs are donated to increase chances of success. See what might disqualify you from donating, from age to health conditions.

What To Expect When Donating Eggs On Birth Control
Mar 17, 2023 · Egg Donation FAQs, Egg Donors

What To Expect When Donating Eggs On Birth Control

Though birth control may help prevent you from getting pregnant, taking most forms still allows you to help someone reach their pregnancy goals through egg donation. Read how birth control affects egg donation.

Why Egg Donation? Becoming an Egg Donor

Why Egg Donation? Becoming an Egg Donor

Becoming an egg donor is a personal choice that is often driven by the desire to help others. It is important when considering egg donation that individuals understand what they are committing to, and how it may affect their lives and the lives of others.  Frequently, Fairfax EggBank egg donors choose to donate because they…

Intended Parents Share Their Egg Donation Success Story

Intended Parents Share Their Egg Donation Success Story

Happy donor egg parents Mathew and Tammy share their story about a long struggle trying to conceive, and how in the end, along with their wonderful first daughter Emma Jae, they now feel like their family is complete with baby Stella. “Stella was one of the first names that came up,” said Tammy. “Emma Jae,…

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Frozen Donor Eggs?


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