Donating Eggs In Portland, OR

Becoming an egg donor helps families that struggle to realize their dream of becoming parents. Fairfax EggBank is looking for women in Portland, Oregon and nearby cities who meet our qualifications and are interested in becoming egg donors. 

When you become an egg donor, the dedicated Fairfax EggBank team works with you through each step, and you’ll be generously reimbursed for your time and effort.

Donating eggs involves a serious commitment, which is why we’re looking for Portland women who meet our exacting criteria. To learn what it takes, read on.


Where The Egg Donor Clinic is Located in Portland, OR 

Our Oregon partner clinic offers women living in Portland and the surrounding area a convenient location where they can go through the egg donation process. Our Portland branch allows women living in the state’s largest city and the surrounding suburbs to become egg donors with the help of our friendly and knowledgeable Fairfax EggBank team.

The Process For Portland, OR Egg Donors

If you’re from Portland or any city within two hours of this location, you can apply to become a Fairfax EggBank egg donor at this location. We require donors to be able to commit to a minimum of five months. Here’s what you can expect at each stage as an egg donor:

Beautiful woman in hammock with laptop

What Are the Egg Donor Criteria?

If you live in Portland or a nearby locale and are interested in becoming an egg donor, you should check the criteria we use to find good candidates. These criteria include the following:

How to Become An Egg Donor Today

We appreciate your interest in becoming an egg donor at the Portland location. Fairfax EggBank ensures that those going through the egg donation process are treated with the utmost care, answering any questions or concerns and looking after both health and safety.

If you would like to apply, fill out our online application. You can also contact us about becoming an egg donor to learn more.

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Register to gain full access into our comprehensive donor profiles, including adulthood photos (upon submitting a photo consent form), family medical history, and personal essays. You‘ll also be able to "favorite" donors you like, print donor profiles, and more!


Create An Account

Register to gain full access into our comprehensive donor profiles, including adulthood photos (upon submitting a photo consent form), family medical history, and personal essays. You‘ll also be able to “favorite” donors you like, print donor profiles, and more!

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  • A least 8 characters long
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